Losing your hair is a very normal cycle of its growth and replacement. A study done by the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) stated that losing 60 to 100 strands of hair in a day is very natural. With thousands of strands in your head, this small loss is neither noticeable nor harmful. You don’t have to worry, as the new hair replaces the lost hair. However, this replacement does not happen every time. And, this can develop abruptly, resulting in huge hair problems.
Did you know that hair loss can be a symptom of hormone irregularities, thyroid abnormalities, lupus, anemia, or alopecia? But, all these changes can be avoided with the proper hair care routine. So, if you notice sudden and excessive hair loss, this is the time that you follow some remedies and consult the experts as quickly as possible. But, before we tell you about the remedies, let us understand how hair grows through different stages and what causes hair loss.
That being said, your hair grows through different stages. To know about it, keep reading.
- Anagen. Anagen is the growth phase of hair. A signal is sent to the follicle stem cells and the dermal papilla which is the permanent part of the follicle sends the signal to the matrix cells. With the growth of these cells, a new hair shaft is formed. In this stage, around 85% of the hair cells are formed.
- Exogen. In this stage, the old hair shaft falls out by driving the dead shaft out of the skin.
- Anagen finished. The anagen stage consists of extending the new hair beyond the surface of the skin. In this stage, the hair shaft matures completely.
- Catagen and Telogen: In the catagen stage, two-thirds of the lower follicle diminishes and gets destroyed. While in the telogen, the withered follicle rests and again waits for the signal to start growing.
What are the causes of hair loss?
There are a number of reasons that are responsible for it. Below we have mentioned some common causes that usually result in loss of strands.
- Heredity: This condition is known as androgenic alopecia and is the most common cause of hair loss. It occurs progressively in an anticipated manner. In men, a receding hairline and bald spot are found, whereas in women thinning hair and crown of the scalp are observed.
- Hormonal changes: The hormonal changes in the body during pregnancy, menopause, the thyroid is another reason responsible for hair loss. When the level of estrogen and progesterone decreases, the growth of the hair becomes very slow. Drop in the production of these hormones generates the androgens, which are highly responsible for shrinking the hair follicles.
- Medical conditions: The medications that are used to treat cancer, high blood pressure, arthritis, depression, and heart problems trigger hair loss. In addition to it, the scalp infections like ringworm and an autoimmune disease commonly known as Alopecia Areata attacks hair follicles.
- Radiation therapy: This can lead to the thinning of the hair and reduction in its density. The adverse effect of radiation therapy may not regain back your hair the way it used to be before.
- Hairstyles and treatments: The people who are involved in cosmetic hair treatments and styles are more likely to lose their hair. The hairstyles such as pigtails and tight buns pull your hairs, causing traction alopecia. The scarring can cause permanent hair loss.
- Unexpected Events: Pressured thinking patterns, emotional shock, and stress can also trigger hair loss. This type of hair loss is not permanent and can be cured with regular remedies.
Now you know about the causes that lead to baldness. You can prevent them by following some remedies. To know about them, keep reading.
Remedies to follow when your hair is thinning
- Diet: Your diet plays a huge role in regaining the lost hair back. According to research, a diet that is rich in iron and contains vegetables and fresh herbs can stop hair loss and reduce baldness patterns. You can get the best results when you include parsley, basil, and green leafy vegetables and salad in your diet.
- Protein: The hair follicles are made up of a protein known as keratin. The studies confirm that people with thinning hair had nutritional deficiencies such as amino acids that account for the building of protein. Including protein-rich food such as eggs, chicken, soya chunks, nuts, beans and peas, fish, low-fat dairy products, etc. supply your body with enough protein to avoid hair loss.
- Vitamin A and multivitamin: Retinoids are known for increasing the rate of hair growth. Vitamin A contains a part of retinoids. They help in the production of sebum which keeps your scalp healthier while promoting the growth of hair. You can find Vitamin A in yellow vegetables and fruits, fortified skim milk, and cod liver oil.
- Essential Oils: Essential oils have the capacity to fight against hair loss. A study was conducted in which around 80 people with hair issues were divided into two groups. The cedarwood oil combined with lavender and rosemary oil was used in their scalps. Approximately, after six months a large group of people saw improvements in their condition. You can try essential oils such as lemongrass, lavender and use them before washing your hair.
- Physical Activity: Getting involved in physical activity responds well to the hair loss that is caused by stress or tension. So, if you want to get rid of hair loss, you can try different exercises to relieve your stress.
These are some remedies that you can try at home. If they do not work, there is a need for medical treatment and advice from your doctor. The professional will guide you through the process and see if you need any medical treatment.
The Medical Treatment: Long Term Solution
A medical professional has adequate knowledge about the causes of hair loss. They can provide you with the medications based on your health history. However, sometimes medications do not prevent hair loss. In such situations, they prefer giving medical treatments such as hair transplants to stop hair loss and treat baldness. This treatment improves your appearance by giving a natural hairline.
Besides, considering the cost of other treatments in the longer run, a hair transplant can be quite effective while saving you a lot of money. So, if you are looking for a cost-effective and permanent solution, a hair transplant is the smartest choice.
As already mentioned, losing your hair is a normal part of life. However, there are times when things go wrong. In such severe cases, aggressive treatments can stop or even reverse your hair loss. But before you go for such treatments, see if you are the right candidate or not. For this, we suggest you get advice from GMC registered medical experts.