No matter how old you are, it is extremely important to have a proper skincare routine in order to maintain glowing and refreshed skin. According to expert dermatologists, you should start a good skincare routine in your early 20s if you want supple skin in the coming years. Late nights and stress lead to dark circles and acne. Exposure to the sun leads to blemishes. All of this can be dealt with by a strategic beauty and skincare routine that you should follow every single day. Even though it is not an overnight process, it will help you a lot in the long run. Here are some tips on how to build up a skincare routine for yourself.
Remove your makeup
This can never be said enough, it is extremely important to remove your makeup before you go off to sleep. Only apply makeup when you will be strict about removing it before sleeping. No matter how tired you are, your skin needs to breathe after a long day. Unless and until you want clogged pores the next morning, it is well-advised to remove your makeup.
You might have heard over a hundred times that you should always cleanse, tone and moisturize your skin. This is actually the bare minimum that you should do for your skin every day. Wash your face at least twice a day. You can use an oil-based cleanser that suits your skin type. Oil-based cleansers are best for removing dirt and unclogging the pores of your skin. Massage the cleanser gently in a circular motion, making sure that you cover your entire face. Avoid rough towels or even napkins, and try to use warm water for the best results.
Once you are done with your cleansing, it is time to tone your skin. A good toner will help you even out your skin tone. Choose one that lowers your skin’s pH level. It helps calm down the redness and puffiness of your skin. You can even add a few drops of CBD oil to get the maximum benefit of using toner. CBD is extremely anti-inflammatory and rich in antioxidants, which is why a lot of people either mix Vitality CBD in their toner or moisturizer. CBD is known to replenish the moisture level of your skin and not only does it give you physical benefits, but mental as well. The cannabidiol activates our body’s endocannabinoid system and helps in regulating stress levels.
You should apply sunblock every day, even if it is during the cold season. A lot of dermatologists recommend applying sunblock even for the days when you are indoors. Ultraviolet rays can affect your skin even indoors. Exposure to the sun can result in a multitude of problems such as pigmentation, age spots and wrinkles. Apply it twice a day if you tend to stay outdoors a lot.
Keeping a regular skincare routine is extremely important if you want supple and fresh-looking skin in the long run. Use these tips and tricks to help you manage your skin in the best way possible.