Your Makeup Needs You Too!

Makeup is wonderful due to the amount of creativity and reuse value it has to it. If you’re a makeup user, you know how much it can transform your face in multiple ways, and how much it lets you appreciate your face. But on the other hand, if you don’t take care of your utensils, you’re not going to get the looks and feelings you want! Here’s a couple of easy ways to brush up on your brush health and keep yourself looking fresh each morning (because let’s be real, getting into better cleaning routines is something we all need to do!).

makeup brush

Remember that Makeup has a Shelf Life

It’s not edible, but makeup still has expiry dates plaguing its lifespan. The shelf life information can always be found on the back of a product, and paying attention to it means your makeup will keep working the way you want it to.

There are a few general rules here to work with. Your mascara particularly needs to be swapped out every 3 months, as bacteria is brought back into the tube everytime you remove the brush! Seeing as your eyes are one of the most important parts of your body, taking care of them is the top priority. Don’t let your eyes get irritated just in time for a photoshoot!

Similarly, your foundation needs to be thrown out after a year at most, if there’s still some left at that point! Liquid based foundations, as most of them are, need to be replaced after about 6 months, and the same goes for concealers. A big tell tale sign is a discolouration of your favourite product.

Cleaning Your Brushes Off

You can of course invest in a Makeup Brush Cleaner, as these are always guaranteed to have the results you’re looking for. However, if you can’t afford to doll out for some of that as well as that eyeshadow palette you’ve been waiting on to reduce for a few months now, there’s plenty of homemade solutions to look into.

Grab a bottle of cheap baby shampoo and some water, run your bristles under the tap with them pointing downwards, then squeeze some shampoo into your hand and swirl the brush in it to your heart’s content! Then rinse and make sure the water is clear.

Taking Care of Your Nails

It’s good to have a manicure, but homecare works just as well. Just because they’re already on your body doesn’t mean they don’t need a little TLC as well. We use nails for grip in our daily lives, and showing off our amazing artistic skill when we want to.

So be sure to rub some lotion into your cuticles and onto your nail tips, then trim them straight with some clean nail scissors. It’s also good to give them a break every now and then, so don’t always apply fake nails one after the other!

Be sure to do the same for your makeup utensils and products as they do for you.

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  • Fanna

    December 22, 2017 at 1:10 pm

    Totally agree with this post! Cleaning my brushes is something I always pledge to do but somehow it doesn't happen as often as it should. […] Read MoreTotally agree with this post! Cleaning my brushes is something I always pledge to do but somehow it doesn't happen as often as it should. Will make sure to keep that in mind because yes, my makeup needs me too. Loved this <3 Read Less

  • Nicki

    January 2, 2018 at 1:30 pm

    I really need to swap my mascara, thanks for the reminder.

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